Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wheeler Dealer

Lately I've enjoyed reading other blogs so much that I'm forgetting to write on my own! Maybe I should ditch this whole medicine thing and find a way to blog as a job.

I was hoping to post some pictures from the beach trip tonight. I got the camera out, excited to see the pictures, only to find there are no pics from the beach. J wasn't with us at the beach the 1st part of the week. I was sick and coudn't exactly be in the water with A and also take pictures. I left the camera with J for the rest of the week, but it apparently stayed right in it's little travel bag the entire week! Pretty weak on both of our parts. I'll definitely take lots of pics on the next trip.

On another front, Av has apparently passed negotiating 101. Last night we were eating dinner at a friend's house. Av didn't eat much dinner and therefore, was told she couldn't have any peaches for dessert. Her response? "But I would like them!" Oh, so simple, my mistake :)
We went to the pool after dinner tonight (fearless-walked right into the pool while I was still setting our bag on a chair, later climbed out of the shallow end to try and jump off the wall into the deep end, and even asked to go down the slide into the pool). At 7 pm I told Av we were going home b/c the pool was closing. The brought great protest. I explained "It's getting dark and they have to close the pool." Av followed back with "No, Mommy, they need to OPEN the pool!" There are many more examples, but you get the drift. I wasn't quite prepared for this at 2, maybe 5, or even 12.

Completely unrelated-has anyone seen the new Indiana Jones movie yet? I feel like I have to go see it, but I've heard it was a major letdown.

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