Monday, June 30, 2008

Board, or is it Bored?

I have to take my recertification exams or "boards" by December 2009. I can go ahead and take them this year to get it over with and check that torturous test off of my to do list. Today I have reviewed some ENT, orthopaedics, and urology. I'm sure you're all jealous that you didn't spend your day doing the same. Sometimes I impressed myself with the information I remembered, other times, I realized I have a LOT of studying to do before the test day is here. So I will be experiencing pleasure and pain through this process of studying and taking boards. I do want to do well on the test, but I also need to learn and refresh myself for the benefit of my patients.

I will admit that I am a dork and I like studying. I enjoy learning and feeling like I'm actually challenging my mind. Since first becoming pregnant a few years ago I have to admit I feel I'm progressively getting dumber-for lack of a better word :). Intelligent thoughts have been edged out by Wiggles songs, pediatrician appointments, age milestones, breastfeeding basics, working to get a child on a schedule, potty training, what today's letter of the alphabet is and how I work it into the day.......How much milk did Av have today? Did I already give her a vitamin? When are swimming lessons? Basically the (what can be consuming) thoughts and questions, great and small, of parenting.

Well, break time is over, back to studying. The next section is covering erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and impotence-exciting stuff. Don't you want to come and study with me?

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