Friday, June 20, 2008

What's Your Name?

Av is staying with my parents this week. Today I got an update from my mom on how the week is going and the funny Av stories. This one is my favorite. Av is currently into full names-her full name, my full name, J's full name-you can see where I'm going here. According to her my full name is my first name, her middle name, and our last name. Here' the conversation between Av and my mom.

Av: What's your full name?
Beba: States full name
Av: What's your full name again?
Beba: States full name
Av: What's your full name again?
Beba: Giraffe Elephant
Av: No! It's ZEBRA elephant!!!

How is she that stubborn and that confident about something that is completely wrong?

A recent, similar conversation
Me: Are you giving the ball to Allie (our dog)
Av: Yes Mommy, I'm giving it to she.
Me: Av, you should say "I'm giving it to her."
Av: No Mommy, I'm giving it to SHE!
Me: Av, you're giving it to her
Av: No Mommy, I'm giving it to SHE!

I have a side of me that is proud of her for her independence and gumption. The other part of me is quickly developing wrinkles and frown lines. It also makes me think that this is often what I sound like to God, since I tend to be a stubborn and stiff-necked individual myself. How many of my thoughts and feelings should be likened to nonsense rantings of a 2 year old? Probably a lot..sigh. I have always heard people say that by becoming a parent I would appreciate God, the Father, in a way I never had before. It just never occurred to me that in this new found realization I would be playing the role of the toddler.


andi said...

I love your post! You have a great Blog. Thanks for commenting on mine. I am glad to have your site and look forward to reading it! Have a great weekend..

andi said...

I love your post! You have a great Blog. Thanks for commenting on mine. I am glad to have your site and look forward to reading it! Have a great weekend..