Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Conversations with 4 year olds are funny, entertaining, tender, and well, sometimes mentally exhausting. Av always keeps me on my toes with the comments she makes and questions she asks.

This weekend we had some issues with her arguing with me and talking back. We had a discussion about her behavior and attitude. After our discussion she had to sit in the dining by herself. When she was allowed back into the kitchen she informed me that I "hurt her feelings and broke her heart." Drama. She then let me know that the next time I argue with or talk back to her, she will put me in the dining room. This brought on a conversation that we have had over and over and over and over .....again. I am the mom, J is the dad, she is child and that God tells children to obey their parents.

I think she pondered all of this for a while and tried to come up with a way to get around it. The next morning we were having breakfast and she informed me that she wasn't my daughter, but actually my cousin! She proceeded to refer to herself as "cousin" for the remainder of the morning. She would also speak in the third person, as in, "Cousin is thirsty, can she please have some milk?" I guess she thought if she could convince me that we're cousins, that would make us equals...and therefore she could do whatever she pleased without consequences or discipline. I will admit that it did give me a good laugh and I was somewhat impressed with her creativity and thought processes on this one, but, oh my, if she is already this (I almost hate to use this word, but if the shoe fits..) calculating, what I am going to have to deal when she is a teenager? Never a dull moment around here right now :)

As is often the case when dealing with kids, it reminds me of my own relationship with God. How often do I try to justify my actions, deny my position, and somehow excuse myself from unwanted consequences?
Here's another one from her that's not quite so mischievous. We have been discussing some basics of faith. We having been trying to explain that God is Holy, and without sin, and that we have sinned and therefore are not holy, which is why we need God. She is very interested in this one aspect and mentions it quite frequently. We were in the car running errands a few days ago and she asked "if the holiers love the sinners"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I was out and about recently when J called to inform that lightning had struck a tree in our neighbor's yard. My first thought was "great, where did it fall and what damage did it do?". It ends up it didn't fall, it's more like it exploded. As you can see below, it was as if all that was left was huge shards of the tree. It took out the treehouse and swing set next to it.

J said it sounded like a bomb had gone off outside and he actually felt it in the house. The tree is in the back corner of the neighbor's yard and the "explosion" was so powerful that 8 foot long pieces of tree cleared our yard and ended up in the next yard, easily over 100 ft. away. These pieces were like 4-6 foot long spears sticking out of the ground. They were so firmly in the ground that they stayed like that through the storms and for the next few days until we took them out.
I have to brag on my hubby now. Our neighbor is a single mom with 2 daughters who would not have been able to clean this up on their own. She tried to file with her insurance, but since it is classified as an act of God, they wouldn't cover it. J decided that we (read 90% by him) could handle it for her. I love his integrity, concern for others around him, and how hardworking he is. It was as simple to him as "it's the right thing to do," so we did it! Thankfully J wrangled our nephews into pitching in as well.
J is quite handy with his chainsaw, so he would cut and carried and loaded. The amazing part of the whole thing was that nobody was injured and no major damage was done. The treehouse is no more, but the 2 girls next door are teenagers that don't use it anymore. One piece of our fence was hit, but J fixed it. We were in awe of the power in the storm, God's creation. Oh-and we have firewood to last for quite a while!