I have so many thoughts in my head I'm having a hard time deciding what to write about tonight. For now, I'll just update on our time at home with family. We enjoyed a wonderful time at the family farm. Fishing is not one of my favorite activities, but basically everyone in J's family loves it, so we went fishing. It was a successful day. Everyone, including Av, caught fish


Here she's checking out the worms. We came to the conclusion that she likes all the animals at the farm from a distance. She wanted to see the worms, crickets, and fish, but not touch them. We also got fresh produce from the garden. I wish I had taken pictures of it. The fresh squash and zucchini was fantastic-so much better than store bought. I can't wait for the blueberries to be ready!
We also went to the
Birmingham Zoo. I expected that Av would have wanted to see the petting zoo, the
carosel, the butterfly exhibit. No, she repeatedly asked to see the hippo. One of the deadliest animals in Africa, even the world, is what my 2 year old wants to see. She is so serious, intense, and inquisitive when she watches the animals-as if summing them up to form her own opinion.

Av and my dad watching the giraffe.

I hope she's having fun this week with my parents. I've been able to have freedom and knock out quite a few things on my to-do list, but I sure do miss her. I'm even writing a post that's basically about her when she's not even here! Stinker.
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