Saturday, April 5, 2008


1. I can't believe that UNC and UCLA both got whipped in the Final 4 games! I had all #1's in the final 4, but had both my final teams wrong! The good news of this is that I think my bracket still beat Jonathan's...which means I will be going to the spa instead of J going to the golf course!! I know my Memphis friends, like Chris and Meredith, will be excited. I'll definitely be pulling for the Tigers over the Jayhawks in the finals.

2. Avery attended her 2nd wedding today and between the 2 of them has made it through a total of 6 minutes before being taken outside. She isn't bad, but that child does not know how to be quiet! She wants to go see everyone, say hi, point out everything she sees, etc.... We did have a great day with Jonathan's family-it was his cousin's wedding. I love J's family and it is such a blessing to have such great in-laws.

3. For a fun way to test your geography skills go here. Great time waster, but a good brain stimulator! I found out I don't as much as I thought I did-especially about West Africa! My brother-in-law, John, introduced my to it and my high school and college friend, Will, reminded my of it today.

4. My Mom is hilarious. She hates the "happy cows come from California adds." Of course, this is b/c she's from Wisconsin and takes the adds as a personal attack. Every time they come on she defends Wisc. and says "if you asked anyone what they picture when asked to think of idyllic farm lands, obviously they would think of Wisc!" Classic.

5. Jonathan turned on Waiting For Guffman after the games tonight and.....I just do not enjoy these movies! Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind....all in the same category as The Office...not funny to me. I feel like a huge dork admitting this. I am just not funny/smart enough to get this humor? I have tried to watch and wanted to like them but I have to confess to all of you that love them, not funny to me.

6. Last point tonight..Christopher Walken is on SNL tonight, hope we're not disappointed.

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