Thursday, April 10, 2008

The End of Camp Maggie

It's our last night without the kiddo and I sure do miss that little girl! We have gotten a lot of work done at our own schedule and been able to play music loud while doing it, but I know the week has not been as entertaining as it is when Av is here, and I know I haven't laughed as much as I do when she's here. I miss having a fun Av story to think about at the end of every day. The ironic part of this week is that we're actually more tired now than we are after a normal week. I think we've tried to get so much accomplished around the house that we've worn ourselves out instead of enjoying a nice relaxing week. The good part of this is that we finally cleaned out all the closets, including repainting and building new shelves for some of the closets, and we threw in some yard work.

This afternoon I did get to have a little "me" time. Since my NCAA bracket beat J's I got a facial today and tried out a new place a friend recommended. The part of this facial that I haven't experienced before...was that it was at the lady's home..actually trailer. My first facial in a trailer park-only in Dothan folks! It was a great facial, and I must say for a good price. Don't worry, very professional, a whole room is devoted to facials and once I was on the massage table, listening to peaceful music it was just like being at Serenity (beach spa)! I highly recommend it to any Dothanites and those of you visiting/driving through Dothan. It is called Bello Giorno Spa # 334.596.8946. If you go, please say I sent you-referrals get a discount!

I was also able to go for a run today. This Saturday will mark the 2 week countdown to the 1/2 marathon-yikes! Please pray for me as I finish training and the race. I'm really excited, but want to complete this with strength that I know is provided by God and bring Him glory with this experience. I'm so thankful to Ashley and my other friends/family that have gotten me interested running and encouraged me along the way.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

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