Life with a toddler is so fun. I feel like I learn new things to appreciate daily. Av loves music, loves to sing, and loves to dance. When we're in the car and the radio is on she sings along with the music. Does she know the words? Nope, she justs makes up her own. She's not feeling well today and I put The Wiggles on for her this evening, but had the sound turned down. So since the sound wasn't on, she sang while she danced. What did she sing you're thinking? Maybe ABC's, Row Your Boat, Jesus Loves she belted out Shake, shake, shake...shake, shake, shake...shake your booty-with her hands on her hips and, of course, shaking her booty. I wonder if she could give me lessons.
She is so girly, which to me is funny that J and I have a girly girl. She LOVES to play dress-up, pick out her own clothes, and she hates bugs (yesterday there was carpet fuzz she thought was a bug-it was 20 ft. away from her and she wanted me to throw it outside before she would eat lunch). Tonight topped it all. After her bath in her bathroom we went into my bathroom to brush teeth, but instead she told me that she wanted me brush and dry her hair and put makeup on her!!!!!! She even picked up my eyelash curler and tried to curl her lashes. What?!?! Just so you know, the only "makeup" I've ever put on her is chapstick. Now that I think about it, she did do a little of her own makeup the other day when she got into a drawer I thought had nothing more than chapstick. Turns out there was one tube I thought was gloss when she picked it up...ended up it was lipstick..Avery's self application.
1 comment:
Too funny! She is so precious and fun! Whenever you're ready for her to venture past chapstick, MW has a caboodle full of makeup and I just know she'd LOVE to get into it with Av! :)
And thanks for your words of accountability and encouragement! You're a precious friend!
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