Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Don't I have a great husband!! J has always been a better gift giver than I am. I was expecting some sewing supplies, but instead I got a Wii and a Wii fit! Very exciting. I'm sure that J is going to enjoy my present as much as I am. I really hope that the yoga on it is good. Yoga is my new favorite workout. I'm thinking Av might even join me. I don't think I shared this when it happened, but sorry if I'm repeating myself. My normal yoga DVD is 1.5 hours long. I only had 10-15 minutes left on it a few days ago when Av woke up from her nap. I paused the video, got Av out of her room, and set her up with some yogurt so I could finish my yoga. I looked to my right a few minutes later and Av was on the floor with me trying to do the yoga positions. Seeing a 2 year old try to attempt yoga positions was the highlight of the day. Now she occasionally strikes a pose and announces that she is stretching and doing yoga.
I better run, in the time that I downloaded the picture and posted this J has opened the box, hooked it up the TV, and is playing with it. I can see this is going to be a "what's yours is mine" gift :).

1 comment:

mrchrishill said...

I'm a huge Wii fan as we have one and love it for parties or just Kristen and I late night. Caroline loves watching it and I bet you'll love the Wii Fit.

I'm jealous of you having Wii fit, you'll have to update me on how useful it is.