1. Yesterday Av had 2 sippy cups in use by dinner-time. One was the pink cup with fresh milk, the other was the blue cup I had given her earlier in the day, but hadn't seen for quite some time. I had that awful, sinking feeling when I realized I knew it was in circulation, but didn't know it's location. Could it be in the playroom, the car, a drawer, outside? Where are all the places that a 2 year old might put a sippy cup? As if that's a question that can be answered in anything shorter than a dissertation. I looked everywhere I could think of without success. About 30 minutes later Av walked into the kitchen while I was cooking and took a sip out of the "missing" cup. She immediately informed that is was "yuck!! Yuck-O Momma, yucky milk! Yuck, yuck, yucky!" Oh yes, we all know what I found when I had the pleasure of opening the cup to clean it...I won't describe the gory details.
2. I was again that mom at the pool today. We started swimming lessons this week, and they're pretty hard core lessons. I am very thankful Av is taking lessons because they are vital and life saving. Av normally loves to be in water, but for some reason is not having a good reaction to the pool. We started Mon. and most of the kids (~18mos-4yrs) cried off and on during the lessons. While basically everyone else in the class was enjoying by today, Av was still at the weeping and gnashing of teeth level. It was honestly one of the most discouraging moments I have experienced as a mom. I know that sounds crazy since it's just swim lessons, but she is almost never the fearful child crying for 15 minutes straight and screaming "I don't like the pool, I want to get out! I want to go home!" I finally carried Av and my exasperated self out of the pool to the bathroom to have a stern discussion about being obedient, calm, and nice. Thankfully, this was my most successful tactic. She was cooperative the rest of the time and was laughing, cheering, and overall enjoying it. I'm still amazed by how far even a little bit of discipline will get you! The pic above is from the beach last year, I'll have pics from the lessons soon.
3. When we got home Av and I took a shower. Since we're blondes we get green hair from chlorine. Side note-a pointer I learned when I was a green-headed child is wet your hair before you get in the pool, so the hair doesn't absorb as much chlorine water. After the shower we ate lunch and Av took a nap. When she got up from the nap I noticed her hair looked wet/greasy. At first I thought she was just hot and sweaty from her nap, which is often the case, but it continued. Why was her greasy, we had just taken a shower before naptime. I came to the conclusion that I forgot to wash the conditioner out of her hair.
Overall, it has been a great day. I got to spend it with Av and J, and Av is making progress swimming. I wanted to get new swimsuits for both of us and found them at the 1st place I stopped. Got one for Av at Old Navy where toddler suits are sale for $10! The one I got her is similar to this one. I am a sunscreen nazi and love that it has sleeves to protect her chest and shoulders-and the material is UV protective!! After Old Navy I walked next door to TJ Maxx, only tried on one suit, liked and bought it. When does that ever happen that you only need to make one stop for a suit. I was spared what could have been an afternoon of psychological torture inflicted on me by the dressing room mirror. We even took Av for the rare treat of Bruster's after dinner. Since she's under 40" she gets a free cone! This was her first ice cream cone and she devoured it! Another fun Bruster's treat you could use tomorrow is: you get a banana split 1/2 off if you bring your own banana on Thursday's.
I'm off to bed, we'll see what mishaps happen tomorrow.
1 comment:
Hey Lindsey!
Great post! As for the pool water... thankfully it's saltwater so hopefully you two blondes won't be "greenies" by the end of the week! Thanks for grabbing Raiger a suit at ON yesterday! It was nice for me and my pocket book not to have to run to Target! :) As for the milk, I can't tell you how many times the girls have had sour milk from the sippy or fermented juice... YUCK-O-LA is right. So many times I've been tempted to toss the whole thing rather than endure the rotten cleaning process! :) Thankfully I've never heard of a kid getting sick from drinking from "several-days old" cups! See y'all this morning!
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