Friday, May 16, 2008

Conspiracy Theory?

I'm not normally a believer of conspiracy theories, but I might be heading that way after reading this. Even though many automotive and oil companies discuss the future and how much they are spending on research, we won't be reducing our oil dependence any time soon. For example, Chevrolet, has a gas-friendly to gas-free plan on it's website as follows: fuel efficiency-ethanol-hybrid-electric-fuel cell. Hybrid cars have only slightly improved gas mileage-the Tahoe hybrid now has 22mpg highway/21 mpg city. Ethanol seems to be a failed idea before it even got off the ground. Are we going to see $5-10 a gallon? Will our hard earned money continue to fund middle eastern countries and set record profits for oil companies? OK, I'm going to stop the ranting and get to the point of this post.

Larry Thrasher is an Alabama man with 30 years of mechanical/automotive experience. He, apparently along with rest of us, was exasperated by rising oil prices with little hope for them improving soon. A little over a year ago he started trying to develop his own solution. His Cadillac is now getting 51 mpg (before was 19 mpg) and his wife is getting 71 mpg-with almost no emissions. He has done this with fuel cell/hydrogen technology in his own garage! If he was able to make this work in about a year, why are billion dollar companies unable to do so? I know it's much more complicated than I am making it and I don't understand the technology behind all this, but it sure does make me wonder.

Here's a list of some other links.

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