Monday, May 12, 2008

Dollars and Sense

Since we've had an unforeseen shift to make us a one income household we had to have a budget realignment. J and I reworked our budget to function within his income and I thought I would share some of what we've experienced.
1. I'm so thankful that we took a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace course a few years ago. It revolutionized how we handle money and made a huge positive impact on our marriage. Had we not completed the classes, circumstances like we're in now would have been much harder for us. I encourage anyone who hasn't taken these classes to do so.
2. We've limited going out to eat and gotten creative with cooking. Our pantry/fridge/freezer always has food, and yet I go to the store weekly. Now, we're cooking off of what we already have in the house and only buying what we have to have...and an occasional bottle of wine :)
3. Limit driving and combine errands. For example, I had to go to the bank this week, so I went this morning since I would be driving by it on my way to an appointment. The park, gym, running trail, multiple friends' houses, and a grocery store are all within walking distance. This has accomplished 2 things-less gas and less shopping=more money saved! Trying to avoid things like "dropping by Target"--mostly b/c when I did go there to return something last week that cute black sundress was almost too tempting.
4. We've also cleaned out closets. We donated some of it to charity. Not exactly cash in hand, but it will be a good tax deduction next year. I think I might try ebaying some of the other items. I've never sold anything on ebay before and I feel somewhat daunted by it since I have a very low technological IQ.
5. Another Dave Ramsey pointer-ask for discounts. We called our phone/cable/internet provider and found a better plan for less than we were paying! One phone call will save us $360 this year! J's truck has a cracked windshield (when it rains, it pours) and he called a number of places to get estimates. He asked one of the national chains if they would give any discounts and they took off $50. Two little calls and about 5 minutes saved us $80 this month!!
I'm sure that you have great money saving tips as well, so share them please!!

On the job front-no major news. Still just some possibilities, nothing definite at this point. At times it has been frustrating/discouraging to me. One day it will seem like something is going to work out, and the next day it is still up in the air with even more unresolved questions. I am getting ancy-add the budget saving strategy, and today I have a bit of restless cabin fever. I know that God is good and sovereign. He knows the next step. Please pray for what's next...and my attitude!

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