Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm starting to think that our long trip to the beach was like blogging rehab for me. Isn't that the idea? Keep the addict away from the crack long enough and the desire for it will go away. Supposedly, but you know what they say...once an addict always an addict :).

We went from relaxing days at the beach where our most difficult decision was "do we go to the pool or the beach?" to incredibly busy. I think J would easily qualify for an upper management slave driver. Today we decided to get up early and start working on the yard before the kiddo was up and before the sun would fry us on the sidewalk. So we rose at 6 am to begin mowing, edging, weeding, planting, laying pinestraw...... It was rough, but well worth it. We finished around 1 pm. I'll have/try to post pics tomorrow. Here's one of my little helper transferring plants with us.

I was planning on sharing a very cute beach story, but you have to see the pics that go along with it and my computer is saying it's having trouble connecting to blogger, so I'll post that tomorrow. Promise. I really need to go to bed anyway. I'm wiped from the last few days. I just needed a blog "hit" before I went to bed.

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