Thursday, July 31, 2008


Did you know that there is town in Alabama called Normal? I found out that bit of info this week. While I wasn't physically there, I felt like today was the only "normal" day I had in July. Instead of frantically working on a huge list of house and yard projects all day, I got to spend the day in my regular routine. Yes, the same routine that I have complained about at times as being boring and redundant, was pure bliss to me today! It reminded me that, at least for me, routine is good and quite comforting. My day went like this: Shower-by myself for the first time in weeks, playing with Av, doing the "normal" cleaning of the hardwoods, vacuuming, lunch with Av {where she requested green beans for lunch-yeah!}, went to the gym for an hour, ran a couple of errands, another shower-this time with Av, enjoyed a couple hours in the kitchen with Av baking cookies from scratch and cooking dinner, played a bit more with Av, put her to bed, read a few medical journals for continuing education, and now I'm having fun blogging. Sorry to throw out a big list of my day, it's just wonderful to see that I did have a few things that had to get done today, but the rest of how my time was spent was by my choosing.

Tomorrow I'm tackling one of those low knowledge and highly self-conscious areas in my life. I'm spending the morning with a gracious friend who happens to be fantastic at sewing, and she has offered to teach me to sew. I'm very excited about it. J says I should be a natural-if I can sew people, surely I should be able to sew fabric :).
I hope you have a wonderful Friday, even if it is just a "normal" day!

1 comment:

Wanting What I Have said...

I am SO JEALOUS!!! I wanted her to teach me, TOO! Once you get the hang, you've gotta pass on the know how! Miss you!