Thursday, July 24, 2008


I have to admit that feel somewhat disappointed in myself for my blogging laziness lately. This month has been pretty weak. For one thing, life has been so busy I feel that I haven't had time to blog. On the other hand, I have so many thoughts going through my head at once that it's hard to pinpoint anything down to be concise enough for a post.

One thing I have learned, well, not really learned so much as revisited a lesson I should have learned by now. The problem is that I am often frozen by perfectionism. This week's example is window treatments. Putting drapes up in our den is something I've been meaning to do for quite a while now, but I could never make up my mind about them. What style? What color? What pattern? It is at the point that I had to put something up, so in last minute run to Lowe's I spent $40 on 4 drapery panels-and it is such an improvement!! Now I realize that had I just done this months ago, even though they're not perfect, it would have been better than nothing! Why is it so hard for me to make decisions like this? I think it's mainly b/c if I don't feel confident in an area I question myself and my decisions. I enjoy decorating and gardening, but often shy away from it b/c I feel like I don't know enough about it. I'm now reminding myself to go learn about the areas I don't know about, or just go ahead and take action and if it's the wrong decision, learn from it and move on instead of just staying stuck in limbo.

One cute moment of the evening-Allie was lying on the floor and Av decided she should have a pillow and blankets
Then she decided she should just join Allie.


Darby said...

Hey Linds...

Those might be the cutest pictures I've ever seen! :) So... now in your next house remember how much you love the curtains you put up in your old house and move that chore to the top of your "to do" list! :) Love your transparency and I imagine if you were to talk to me about science or medicine I would feel so uneducated and ignorant! Have you read Abby's post about current events? We all have our strengths and weaknesses and I guarantee I'd much rather walk into an exam room and have you as my PA than myself... any day! :) Thanks for your offer to pick things up at Wally world for me! LOve, D

mrchrishill said...

Great pics and I love the transparent postings.

Also on a side note, I believe our little Caroline has the exact same pink blanket. Do you know where you got yours? Ours was a gift and I know it won't make it forever and always love stashing backups around the house just in case.
