Sunday, March 30, 2008

All You Need is Love....

I have had one of those weeks that everything I'm learning in Bible study, church, readings, etc is all tied together and I wanted to share. In women's study we are doing a book called Get a Life by Vicki Courtney-(thanks Alicia!). This week it was on God's love, and that ONLY HE can give that love. It touched on that we often look to our husbands for what only Christ can provide. Of course it doesn't have to be a husband (hello idols), it can be wives, friends, children, activity, material things, etc. I am so guilty of placing expectations and demands on J that he could never meet..leaving me mad, him frustrated...can you see the vicious cycle forming? No matter how much he loves me, supports me, is my knight in shining armour, is my fix-it man, and all the other wonderful things he is to me; I remain in absolute, desperate need for Christ. In Christ alone do we find complete (Col 2:9-10), perfect (1 John 4:17-18), immeasurable (Ps 139:17-18), unconditional (Rom 8:37-39), eternal (Ps 136) love. I am just sinning, pulling myself away from God, and hurting myself (and others) when I look elsewhere for what only He can give. He alone is my sustainer, redeemer, deliverer, salvation, contentment, peace.......the list is too great to write here. The final part, duh, was that relationships, including mine with God, take work and effort....and I'm pretty sure God has covered his side of it. I know this isn't rocket science of Christianity, but it is certainly too easy to distance yourself from 40 years in the desert. This kicked my butt this week, thanks for listening/reading.
"In HIM you have been made complete" Colossians 2:10
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! " Romans 7:15-24 Preach it Paul!! Amen!

1 comment:

Darby said...

Go Lindsey! The Romans 7 verse has been in my head all week!! I too, am enjoying the Vicki Courtney study!! It's been very impactful to me this week and it TREMENDOUSLY helps to do it everyday... rather than 5 days in 2 hours... who me!? :) Anyway, I got your message and thought I'd see you at Shauna's shower last night so I didn't bother calling you back! Oops! I got in late and was exhausted... I'll call you today! I've pretty much figured out the blogging stuff by now... pictures and links can be tricky but I'm no secret keeper... I'll share all the tricks of the trade with you!! love, D