Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lazy Days

After a week of lots of hard work, finished with a day of fun. We went to watch Annie's (our nanny) son's baseball game. Av was a great cheerleader and she had to hold his hand as we walked out of the ballpark. Quite scandalous in Dothan ;). One of my college roomies and her new man came into town and met us for lunch

Really the only reason I'm posting today is the following

1. Children are smarter than we realize. Av's favorite book is The Monster at the End of This Book-with Grover. On the 2nd time reading it tonight she noted that Grover is naked. The 3rd time we read it she read the book to me. I know, I know..she can't read, but what I was amazed by is that she knows at least one of the lines on each page!!! It's incredible how quickly children learn. Which makes me wonder, what other things does she know??

2. Children are hilarious. Before bed Av said she needed to go potty and ran to the bathroom waving her arms over her head. She let me know she finished going teetee then declared "now the poop is coming" I had to leave the bathroom I was laughing so hard. Sorry to those of you that don't have kiddos and don't care to know about their potty habits.


Darby said...

Hilarious! Kids are so stinkin' smart and entertaining... what did we do before 'em!? We certainly didn't laugh as much. I love that you used the chainsaw... I'll have to tell Justin.. hopefully, he won't expect me to use it!

Wanting What I Have said...

She cracks me up! MW's new thing is to do her business, clean herself, and then when she asks me to check her, she'll trot out, say "check my booty," turn around and bend over...and she's stuck a big wad of tp in there! She thinks she's so funny! Glad you've joined the blogging world! I look forward to reading more!