Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's my first time

So here is our first blog post. I have to say that I am quite impressed with myself since I'm incredible untechno-savvy. I have loved reading so many of our friends' blogs that I thought we should join the club. Also all our fam is out of town, so hopefully this will make us feel not so far apart.
So for this week's events....we have a semi-new couch (that I am so excited about!), new stove and dishwasher, Jonathan and I have cut down 13 trees in our yard by ourselves in preparation for a new fence. It's been quite productive and tiring.
On the Avery front-she had a great morning of dress-up (my favorite outfit was a flapper hat, many beaded necklaces, no shirt, a tutu, a men's gold watch, and blue heels). She is a great sleeper, but lately talks to herself for a while before falling asleep and tonight she was jumping in her bed and squealing over an hour after we had put her to bed! It was hilarious and we got it on the camcorder. Maybe I'll figure out how to post the video on here before too long. That's about all for today!


Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am pretty impressed with you as well, Lindsey, given that you are anything but a techy.

Looking forward to see how far your new technical skills can reach with pictures, video and the like!

I thank God for you and Jonathan! You guys are awesome! I could not ask for a better brother and sister-in-law!!!

I love you guys!
John P.

Jeff said...

Hey guys,

This looks great. We will, of course, be expecting DAILY updates with pictures, videos, and stories from Miss Avery!

We miss you all more than we can say when you're not here,