Saturday, September 13, 2008

Man's Best Friend

J and I are leaving in about 30 minutes to take Allie to the vet, and I'm really worried that Allie won't be coming back home with us. Today has been terrible for her. She seemed fine this am. She got up, ate, went outside-the normal routine, but since then she hasn't really moved. All she has done is lay on the hardwood floor to stay cool and she is panting heavily.

We decided it was time to go the vet. J and I discussed what options the vet is probably going to give us. This, of course, made me start crying. We were in the kitchen and I didn't want to upset Av, so I just buried my face in J's chest. Av is too perceptive for that and immediately noticed my shaking shoulders. She asked "Mommy are you sad?" I realized she had climbed out of her chair to comfort me when I felt her little hand rubbing my leg. I tried to pull myself together and turned to her. She had her arms outstretched and asked "Momma, do you need a hug?" I picked her up and she nuzzled her head into my neck and gently patted my back and said "Does that make you feel better? You'll be alright." After a few moments I set her back down. She reached out for my hand, walked me back to the table, and had me sit down next to her chair. Then she climbed into her chair, took my yogurt and started feeding it to me. Her gentleness warmed my hurting heart.

How can my 2 year old sense my pain and how to comfort me? She is incredibly silly, stubborn, and independent, but those traits are matched by her sweetness, gentleness, and empathy.

Well, we have to head out to go to the vet. Please pray. I'll let you know when we get back. Thank you.


Darby said...

Lindsey, I'm praying. My heart is sad for you. I'm so glad you have sweet Av to help you!! What an angel!

Wanting What I Have said...

Oh Linds,
I'm so sorry. Reading this made me tear up. Sweet, sweet Allie. I am so thankful God gave us such wonderful companions. I am praying for you. And precious gentle and tender. Y'all are wonderful and my heart is heavy for each of you. Love you and will be praying.