Saturday, September 13, 2008


Is that an awful post title for this? That's all that I could come with today. We did put Allie to sleep this afternoon. {For earlier posts with the history go here and here} When we took Allie to the vet he drew blood off of her abdomen, which meant she had internal bleeding from the tumors and it was only a matter of time before she would be gone. We decided to put her to sleep then instead of waiting it out and keeping her in pain. Our vet was so gentle and respectful, which made it easier. They placed her on the exam table, gave her an injection, she fell asleep within 20 seconds, and moments later she was gone. I felt like Sally Field in "Steel Magnolia's" when Julia Roberts dies--watching Allie's last moments. last breaths, last flutter of her eyelids. Then the vet left J and I alone with Allie for a few minutes, to pet and hug her one last time. I was an emotional wreck. I asked J at one point if I had mascara streaked all over my face. His response was that I didn't have any mascara left anywhere.

We knew that we didn't have much longer with her, but I didn't think it would happen this quickly. I am thankful that J and I were both there with her today. We took Allie while Av was home napping (with MIL at home). Av hasn't asked about Allie yet-why she's not here. I'm not really sure what we're going to tell her. Will Av remember Allie when she's older? How do I explain death to a 2 year old? We haven't ever talked about heaven with her. Do I tell her that Allie is with God? I don't think I actually believe that, so would I be lying to my child? Ugghh. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm also wondering how our other dog, Lily, is going to respond to this.

She really was the most incredible dog and I will be shocked if we ever have another dog as wonderful as she was. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words. Being able to blog about this has really helped me these last couple of weeks. I'm also thankful I'm writing it down to preserve these moments. Thanks again. Go hug your pets, take them for a walk, and show them some love!


Darby said...

Linds, I'm praying for y'all. I am so very sorry about sweet Allie. I'll pray that everything goes smooth when you tell Av. I love you!

Beck said...

Oh Linds! I just checked back today and saw this. Oh, I'm so sad for you & J. I had forwarded your blog to Russ because he feels the same way about dogs.

About dogs in heaven: as a seminary grad, maybe I shouldn't say this but the bible talks about white horses in heaven...maybe I'm crazy to believe that perhaps precious doggies could be there waiting for us, too. I dunno. Jesus cares about precious doggies, I believe that.

It takes a long time to grieve a pet like Allie. Take your time. It only gives her little life dignity. And you showed her great respect and love by being with her when she had to go.

will keep praying for y'all...

Wanting What I Have said...

Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't even ask about her yesterday and I am so sad I wasn't here to give you a hug when you went through all of that...I'm sure you're still "going through" all of that! We had to put Bear to sleep and MW still asks questions about him and why he had to "go away," etc. It's so hard explaining things like this to little ones. We've taken her to Genesis again and again and read to her that people are created in the image of God and about how God gave people dominion over animals - that we have souls because we're created in God's image, and that animals were not created in His image and do not have souls...regarding your heaven's hard. It's complicated. But is has certainly led to lots of opportunities to talk with her about the gospel and how precious we are to God. We're just thankful He created precious dogs like Allie. They are amazing companions and friends! We'll miss her, too! And we love you guys!