Thursday, September 25, 2008

Check Yes or No

I need help with, well, many things, but today it will be limited to my haircut :). For the last 8-10 years I go through cyclical phases. I grow it out long, get tired of the long hair, whack it all off to about my chin, keep it short for a while, and then grow it back out again. I guess this has a "the grass is greener on the other side" aspect to it. Now that it's been long for a while I feel like it's in my way, I usually pull it up by the end of the day, and since my hair is fine I feel like it has "stringy tendencies." Of course when it's short I enjoy it...until I decide like I actually like my hair better when it's long, and then have to go through the awkward growing out phases. Below I've posted some pictures of both styles. Sorry to fill this post with pics of me-I'm having trouble with the decision and I need outside help. It's long now, but I'm quite close to taking off multiple inches-what do you think?

Phase I-Long

Phase II-Short

Phase III the middle/grow out phase

[The above shot is in in the hospital the morning Av was born-can't you tell by the "it's 5:30 AM, get this kid out of me!" look on my face?]

Forget about this McCain/Obama thing, I need votes on my hair :) PLEASE!


Darby said...

OH Lindsey! I love it both ways and I don't think you could go wrong with either. But since you have hair that actually looks good and works short.... I say go for it. I cut my hair short-- really short after Paige was born and my hair is too thick and has a nasty wave and those 2 things plus short hair made me look like a chia pet. If I HAD your hair I'd cut it short just like the one of you in the Auburn picture! It's so fun and sassy and easy! I say go for it... but take that picture of you in with you so she knows what to do! Can't wait to see the verdict!

Karen Owens said...

I think it looks very cute short. I woudl give anything to be able to go that short -- I think it makes me look to "butchy".
Your hair also looks cute now but Im sure it's a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

Since you are such an incredibly hot mom, I think you should go with short.

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a blog stalker {or the lab stalker!!!!} I found your blog through Darby's blog. I really like your hair short!!!! It looks cute and it's so much easier with short hair. I finally chopped mine after my third son was born! Hope you are happy with your decision!

Beck said...

Linds - I love the short! I agree with what so many others have said, if you can pull it off, go for it. I look like I'm 14 with short hair. Plus, the short bobs are so in fashion right now.

(I'm thinking something like Ellen Barkin's new do.)

ps: I promise to call back soon!