Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Just wanted to let all of you know that I have not gone into a spiralling depression over losing Allie. I went back and read some of my posts, and thought "maybe I should pull myself together more before I blog the next time I'm that emotional." I'm not normally overly emotional, so that was pretty melodramatic for me. I even felt somewhat guilty being that upset when others are going through hurricanes, sickness of their childern, etc.

We did tell Av when she asked about Allie. We told her that Allie was too sick for us to help her, and too sick for the vet to help her, so we had to give Allie to God. Av was upset and cried that she couldn't see Allie anymore, but she has done well since then.

Thanks everybody!

1 comment:

Beck said...

Friend, you never need to apologize for having emotions. I'm a therapist - I can say that! And it's a gift to give your daughter. Av is better off with a mom who honestly reveals how she feels. Plus, I love that kind of raw honesty...it's attractive.

Still thinking of you...