Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good Report!

It has been a looonnnggg weekend, including dressing changes every 3-4 hours and whenever there's a dirty diaper, but it was worth it for our follow up appointment today. Our doctor and the other staff were impressed with how brother is doing. They all said that it looked better today than they expected it would, which was incredibly encouraging to us. If it continues to progress as it is now, it could likely heal on it's own without need for surgery or grafting. We are so grateful!! We are to continue the dressing changes for the next few days and go back in on Thursday. We are praying for continued healing without scarring or surgery. Since this is in the diaper area it is also critical that the area stay as clean as possible and we are praying that he remain infection free. We are certainly not out of the woods yet, but it appears we are moving in the right direction.

Thank you so much for calls, emails, comments, words of encouragement, and especially your prayers. The outpouring of love and support we have experienced has been immense and an unbelievable help to us. Thankfully, we haven't often been on this side of a situation like this. I know there have been times when friends and acquaintances of ours have gone through terrible experiences and I want to support them, but sometimes I'm not sure how to go about doing that. I think "should I call? Do they want to be left alone? I don't want to bother them...Could I make a meal? Should I offer to have their kids over?" I want to support, but not bother and interfere. I have to confess, there have been times that I have just ended up praying, but not taking any tangible action toward them. After this experience, I will be much more prone to step in without fear of interfering/bothering. I don't know if any of you ever have those same feelings, but I would encourage you to put those thoughts aside and call, email, go visit, keep their kids, pick up groceries, etc. I also encourage to not only pray FOR people, but pray WITH them, in person or even if it's just over the phone.

I have so many other thoughts congealed in a mess in my head, but I'll have to wait for further posts to make any sense of them. My head feels like jell-o and I have to be up with him again in an hour, so I'm going to try and get a little sleep. Thanks again for your support. I'll give more updates this week and definitely after we go back for our next appointment in a few days.


andi said...

Hey! I know you are exhausted. Know that we are praying! We love you all!

Beck said...

L & J, We continue to pray and are so grateful to the Father for speeding G's recovery! Here's a bear hug all the way from Dallas, friends.