Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Let Me Introduce Myself

I do have a name, but my mommy is a little funny about putting our names on here, so you can call me G. I don't hear my name much at home anyway. I typically get called brother, brother man, little man, boo, bobo, and some others. I'm a pretty big guy, well at least for a 10 day old. I have already moved out of newborn diapers, and am pretty much out of newborn clothing and onto the 3 month stuff. I don't really like bath time and I always voice my opinion on that-as you will see below.
I do love to be snuggled up in my warm blanket after my bath and it calms me down immediately.
I have REALLY cute dimples and Mommy keeps trying to get a picture of them, but I wanted my paci, so I just stuck my tongue out at her instead.
I keep trying to find my fingers. I know they're out there somewhere since they end up in my mouth sometimes.
Aaah, I finally got my paci and made sure that no one was going to take it again!
I do love my dog, Lily, but I think she has been feeling a little left out lately.


Beck said...

Love 'em! I see A. in his face, too! Keep 'em coming!

Wanting What I Have said...

Hello brother! You are one precious handsome hunk! I hear your sister is quite fond of you!

You need to meet my little girl, MC. She's pretty stinkin' cute and she's your age!

Congrats, guys! We're so excited for you!

Ely said...

Of course, the writer is completely fair.
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