Sunday, July 12, 2009


I don't know any way to better describe life right now. It is busy, sleep deprived, and chaotic at times, but it is completely wonderful. I feel incredibly blessed, joyful, content, and simply happy. It's as if we have reached a new level of family. I know that we were a family even when it was just J and I, but now it somehow seems more real, fuller, and deeper. I love we are now a family of 4, that we have more than 1 child, and that Av now has a sibling. Pure bliss. I am overwhelmed by God's grace, faithfulness, and goodness.

I love every little bit of him and already feel like I have to capture it because he is changing so much. He is growing so fast. His cheeks are getting full. He no longer stays in a little ball all day long, but is stretching out now. He makes the cutest sighs and coos while sleeping and awake. He has an entire range of facial expressions already and I wish I could capture every one of them in a picture. He is already holding his head up-he actually did it while we were still in the hospital (have to admit that freaked me out a little bit :)). I love every little bit about him and this period in our life.


Wanting What I Have said...

ditto, amen, and i love the pic of his feet!!!

Beck said...

These are so lovely, Lins!

You are really making me miss baby time. I'm so glad you're slowing down, soaking up the joy of these days!