Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Name Game

All right folks, would you like to help with name options for our son? We have a number of family names that we are considering, but we just haven't been able to get it nailed down yet. I don't have any one name that really stands out to me. So here are some of the names on the short list-what do you think? It will probably be some combination of 2 of the following.


We really do like Shepherd, but does Shepherd Leonard sound to sing-songy (-erd -ard)? We would probably call him Shep anyway?

On to the OB update. Saw my DR yesterday and so far, so good. I had a C-section with pregnancy #1, so will also be having one this time around. It's scheduled for next Friday-yes, that's 8 days from now!! I have started dilating and he is almost completely dropped, so I am a little nervous that I will make it until next Fri without going into labor.

On a completely unrelated note, funny story of the day. I had an adult male patient today wearing a metal bracelet. I hadn't paid any attention to it until someone asked if I had read what it said. I assumed it said "peace" or maybe had a Bible verse on it. I could not have been more wrong. It said "I 'heart' boobies*"All I could think was, at least he's honest! Think I should get one for J for father's Day?

Go vote on baby names!

*Can anyone tell me how to make the heart symbol?


Wanting What I Have said...

James Shepherd Leonard and call him Shep. it a lot. Might have to steal it. Oh wait, we're still searching to nail down the girl name...I think we're settled on our boy name, but I sure do like Shepherd. :) I don't think it's too sing-songy. I like it.

Darby said...

You are hilarious! Seriously.

I love Shep Leonard. Fun, short, easy... not LIKE JOHN MARTIN. Poor kid. I've still teased Justin that I'm going to the Courthouse to change his name.. I wanted him to be Jed. Justin said it's redneck. :(

Heart symbol...

Love, D

Beck said...

I don't know what to do with you blogging twice in one month. Confunded.

Also, even with Darby's explanation, I don't know how to do the heart.

Finally: love Shep Leonard. Please, please post a pic of him on Friday! Praying for a great birthday, friend.

Tod said...

Hey, there's really much effective information above!
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