Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I had to give an update on my sweet little girl and how she is dealing with adding another kiddo to our little family. Overall she has done very well, especially since Mommy has been so sick and I definitely have not been myself this entire pregnancy. The funniest and actually most consistent thing has been that Av decided months ago that she also has a baby in her tummy. She says that brother is in my tummy and sister is in her tummy.....and her name is Surla. Yes folks, that's Surla. Where did that name come from? We have no idea! Av likes to lay on her back and push her stomach in and out to show us that "Surla is kicking." We then have to go over to her and put a hand on her stomach to " feel" Surla.Sometimes Surla is in her tummy, but other times she's in Av's back and it makes her back sore. I have to give it to her, the girl's got imagination.

The other recent change is that J is the new hero and AV is not very interested in me. My only guess is because I am carrying her future sibling. She wants to cuddle with J, have him read her books, put her to bed, etc. Another part of it is that Av likes to assign people characters from books and movies. She is typically sleeping beauty, Cinderella-you get the idea. J is prince or hero and I have consistently been the villain. Recently I have been the wicked stepmother, Malificent, and the "bad cheetah" from Kung Fu Panda. I thought those were pretty bad...until this weekend. We were eating dinner at my parent's house when Av starting telling us all what characters we were that night. When it got to me Av informed me that I was a mouse (Cinderella) so that the dragon could eat me!! It was hilarious. I couldn't believe it.

Tonight's post is for Becky-not only 2 posts in one month, but 3 in a little over a week :)! 3 days left to go until baby boy Leonard is here! Still no final decisions on names.


Wanting What I Have said...

ha, ha! that little stinker pot! :)

no names, eh? we're in the same boat with regard to girl names...eek!

so excited for you! i can't believe you go in tomorrow!!!

something with Shepherd still gets my vote...and call him Shep. :)

I'll be praying for you, sweet friend!

Beck said...

Yay! Shout out!