Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Farming Freedom

I thought I would share our last weekend as a one child family. Av was with J's side of the family at the beach last week. I love my daughter, but at 9 months preggers it was bliss for me to rest and get last minute things done without trying to keep up with a 3 year old. We spent part of the weekend at the farm. J just had to get a pic of me--again 9 months pregnant, sweaty, no make-up, AND by the tractor. J loved it, but I know he wished that I had on waders with either a shotgun or a fly fishing rod on my shoulder.We have had incredible amounts of rain, but thankfully the lake was not overflowing. I have to admit I was a tad concerned that we could get stuck in the mud and that I would go into labor out in the woods. Thankfully that didn't happen either.
The blackberry bushes have really benefited from all the rain, but not ready to pick just yet.
Most of the blueberry bushes are at the same stage as the blackberries.

There were a few blueberries ready to be picked and I wanted to get them before the farm bugs and critters did. We were able to get about a quart of the blueberries, and they were gone in 4 days! They don't last long around Av and me, I'm ready to go back for more.

Anyone want to join us next time? We don't have running water, but we do have this lovely toilet "chair" to take in the woods to avoid, um, squatting. What can I say? We're a high class crowd around here :).


Beck said...

I'll be thinking of you & praying for you tomorrow morning! Can't wait to hear an update and see pics! You guys are loved...

Wanting What I Have said...

you look FABULOUS!!!

ok...the potty seat...cracking me up! (no pun intended.) it reminds me of a camping trip I went on in high school with a large group from the family had several kids and they brought one of those granny potties you see in nursing homes, etc. the ones on metal legs...with the "catch" pot below...the dad tied it to his pack and carried it in nearly a mile...hee hee. i like yours much better. definitely more classy! :)