Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jesus and the Naughty Chair

Have I told you how much I love Av's school?   She recently came home and informed me that when you do something bad, like disobeying your parents, it's sin which make your heart dirty and God is the only one that can clean it.  Wow!  An exposition on sin at age 3.  Along with the recent topics at school, 3 as become more of a disicpline challenge for us.  Well, I'm thinking that as a result of these 2 things, we had the following conversation recently while we were driving the grocery store.

Av:  Did Jesus have to sit in the naughty chair?
Me:  No, he was good and obeyed his parents
Av:  Did Jesus have to go to time out?
Me:  No, sweetie he obeyed his parents and didn't have to sit in time out                   because he was good
Av:  I think he did
Me:  Repeat above statement with more explanation
Av:  I think Joseph spanked him
Me:  (Again)  He obeyed Mary and Joseph so he didn't get spankings or time outs
Av:  I think Joseph spanked him and I don't like Mary and Joseph
Me:  Why don't you like Mary and Joseph?
Av:  Because they don't love me

How many ways can you explain that Jesus was a man, yet without sin to a 3 year old.  After Av's last statement we had arrived at the store and she changed the subject to what we should buy.  I can't say I didn't welcome the subject diversion!  Theological discussions with a 3 year old-what next?


Beck said...

I love Av. "I don't like them...because they don't love me." :)

I'll have to call you when these topics begin to come up around here - you'll be an old pro by then!

andi said...

Hope you all are doing great!

Virgil said...

Very worthwhile data, lots of thanks for this post.
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