Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beach Beauty

Here are the pics from the beach trip from over a week ago. Enjoy.

Making cinnamon muffins for breakfast.

Then bike riding and throwing the tennis ball with Lily

Heading down to the beach and then everyone enjoying their favorite activities. Av searching for seashells, J fishing, and Lily playing in the water.

The only people I saw on the beach that day-J, Av, Lily, and one of our neighbors. This is what it's like most the time, even in the Summer, at my parents' house-no beach chair rentals and no fighting for a spot to put your stuff....although sometimes it would be nice to have the "beverage" hut and for a waiter/waitress to bring me a pina colada when it gets hot :).
This scene makes me sad. You can see all the erosion that has happened with hurricanes over recent years. Even a stairway that was destroyed and hasn't been rebuilt yet.
Our "neighbors" are from Canada and were renting the house for the Winter. She went to the beach and collected seashells almost daily and was decorating the porch rail with them.
I tried to get a few cute photos of Av and Lily one evening. I think Av is contemplating the candy and ice cream store across the street in the bottom photo.
Av and I ended up going to the candy store. Out of the entire candy store Av picked ONE bite size tootsie roll! Lily had to stay in the car and this is how I found her when we finished. I think she was ready to head back to play in the ocean.
Here is the dreaded scorpion that struck Av. Little, but packing a powerful and painful punch.
I'm ready to go back right now!

1 comment:

Beck said...

Yea for photo updates! You're killin' me with those beach pics. Lovely.

How are you feeling these days? Saying a prayer for a clean bill of health & no more morning sickness.

Also: Av. She is so big!!