Monday, February 2, 2009


Hey everyone. We have been at the beach since last week and just got in this evening. On our way to the beach we had a quick, but wonderful visit with some of our friends in our old city. I miss all of them so much and Av misses their kids! They are exceptional friendships that were my family while we lived there.

I took quite a few pics this weekend, and wanted to post while we were at the beach, but of course, forget my cord to download them. We had a great time over all. Lots of activity outside, sleeping in, drinking coffee on the porch, 65 degree weather, minimal TV (had to watch the Superbowl!), and great food.

We did have one episode of drama yesterday afternoon. I put Av down for a nap and then heard her calling for me an hour later. She needed to go potty. After the potty break we went back to her room and she asked my to read a book (we're doing Proverbs with her). I started reading, she was sitting on the comforter, and then suddenly jerked her leg. As I picked her up I saw a scorpion under her leg that stung her. I immediately took my shoe off and killed it, but oh, she was screamed and screamed and screamed and..... Normally she's very easy to console, not this time. Growing up out west I was prepared to immediately jump in the car and run to the ER, but since we're in the southeast, it just needed to be treated like a bee sting-wash it, cold compress, and watch for allergic reaction like swelling, hives, trouble breathing, etc. She calmed down with the cold compress and ice cream for bribery. It never got any bigger than a mosquito bite, and all was fine in 10-15 minutes. Whew-I can't believe my toddler has been stung by a scorpion. I wonder what the likely statistics are of that happening.

I'm off to bed, hopefully pictures will follow soon.


Darby said...

OH my goodness! I'm glad she's ok! I can't wait to see pictures from your little vacay!

Wanting What I Have said...

How crazy is that? So glad she's alright!