Friday, January 30, 2009

Keeping it Real

The following post contains graphic and probably inappropriate info to share on a blog, but it cracked me up yesterday and I had to share.

I am now almost 5 months pregnant and, well, let's just say that my stomach isn't the only thing on the front of my body that is expanding. In fact, I think the change in the size of my tummy is less noticeable at this point than the change in other things. The following conversations occurred last night while we were sitting on the couch.

Me: (Actually somewhat annoyed by these things that I'm not used to, can be a hassle, and get in my way) Why are my b***s so big with this pregnancy??? I'm only 5 months pregnant and haven't even started nursing yet?!?!

J: Because God loves me

Such a quick, but perfect nutshell view into the male mind. As if any of us doubted that in the first place :)!


Darby said...

absolutely hilarious! loved catching up with you yesterday! i hope y'all enjoy your time at the beach and tell j i'm so glad that god loves him... and tell him he'll have to remind himself of that next year when you stop nursing and well... you're left with a whole lot of NOTHING! :)

Beck said...

You're so X-rated.

Loved it. Again, J & my husband share the same brain.