Monday, January 19, 2009

Land of the Living

Hello all. I know, I know...I keep making worthless promises of not blogging so infrequently. I will be 18 weeks pregnant in a matter of days and most of the "can I just stay in my bed and sleep until the baby is here?" days are gone. I have returned to a semi-normal level of functioning and the nausea and vomiting has also passed for the most part. I have found that I have an incredibly active child inside me. Av began practicing karate and gymnastics in the womb, and I thought this child might be different, but apparently it doesn't want to be outdone by it's older sister. I have my ultrasound next Weds. to possibly find out if we will have pink or blue balloons on our door in June. Av is quite adamant that she's going to have a sister, but--shout out to the Stickler's--her name will be John Martin. My brother and sister-in-law are trying to convince us that we should wait to find out what it is until the birth, but I just don't know if I can do that. Any thoughts?

I would love to give recent pictures, but the only things that have consistently been on my priority list lately are eating, sleeping, and bathing myself and child at least once a week-kidding, at least twice a week :). The other problem is that most of our belongings are still in storage and what we do have accessible is not highly finding the camera, battery, battery charger, and USB cord to download pictures can be challenging.

I do have lots to update you on, especially about Av--for one thing, she turned 3 in the interim since my last post, but that will have to wait for a future post. Hope to be posting more frequently, buy I'm not making any promises. Would love to hear how all of you are doing.


Wanting What I Have said...

so glad to see you back! (ha, i'm one to talk...i can SO relate!)

Ok, DO IT! Wait! Don't find out! it is SOOOO fun! It's the best surprise in the whole world. Just imagine Avery sitting beside you in that bed when your fam comes piling in...because no one wants to miss the delivery of a baby whose sex is unknown...and well, it is just such a wonderful surprise!

I promise you that you WILL NOT lack clothing, should this baby be a boy...and your nursery will come together...(ok, so I still haven't put that second coat on the doors in our nursery...)...

Oh, you really should wait! It is so much fun! All the guessing. Plus, you tick people off. That's kind of fun. DId I really just write that on the blogosphere? I'm just being transparent. Really, I encourage you to wait.

And I know, I know. It's a surprise either the ultra sound room, or in the delivery room...but there is something so magical about waking up the morning after giving birth and staring at that baby and thinking..."really, did we really have a ....?" It's like this most precious dream and you are swept up and swirled away in it...I think it's a precious gift from God.

Can't wait to hear what you decide!

Ok, that's the longest comment in my commenting history!

Love you and miss you!

Darby said...

I laughed out loud at your daughter "John Martin"... too funny! Annie said y'all talked today! :) Tell Avery that I think Joan Martina might be more appropriate. How hilarious is that name?! Give that sweet girl a big BIRTHDAY hug for us!!

Beck said...

Ahhh! I was so excited to see that you crawled out of the land of gripping exhaustion & cruel unpacking. I've been thinking about you & am so glad to hear lil' one is growing strong!

Can't wait for pics - but take your time!