Friday, November 14, 2008


OK, so I am actually still here. We have had A LOT going on lately, and even though I love blogging, it has not topped the priority list. I have hardly even been reading any of your blogs, much less composing any of my own. So here's a nutshell of our life over the last few months.

1. We have put our house on the market, sold it, packed up all our belongings, and moved.

2. Started new jobs

3. Had my brother's wedding last weekend

4. While all of this madness has been going on, I'm pregnant!!! Of course, it's wonderful news and I'm very excited, but I'm also very sick when pregnant. With Av I wasn't sick until I was 8 weeks, and it lasted until I was about 20 weeks. With this one it started at around 4-5 weeks. I'm 8 weeks now, so we'll see how long it lasts. I can tell you that it has been challenging to pack, move, be a bridesmaid in heels all day while my 2 year old was the flower girl, and do all the normal activities of life while feeling completely cruddy all day every day. The good part is that I know it will come to an end before too long, and the end result is worth it :)

Hope all of you are doing well and hope to "talk" to you more frequently!


katie said...
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katie said...

I'm so excited for you! And you were the perfect bridesmaid because I honestly had no clue that you weren't feeling well all day. Look forward to more updates and to seeing you soon when I come to visit Jana and Will.

Confessions said...

Ah! Congratulations! All you pregnant women down there in Dothan... :) I am so happy for you!

Darby said...

I'm so sad y'all are all gone. Really! Annie told me yesterday that it's a done deal and you're gone. Paige asked this morning to have Avery over... makes me very sad. I'm glad the move is behind you. Now, you have two more small chores... growing a baby and buying a house! Will you please keep us in loop as you look at houses... you know I love that kind of thing!! Also, please update your blog frequently... we will certainly miss y'all!!!!

Beck said...

Um, hello? Linds, WonderWoman called & wants her superpowers back.

I cannot believe all of that. It goes to show that the old adage, "God never gives you more than you can handle" really is b.s.

Congrats on #2! So very, very excited for you & J! I will be praying for smoother transitions & that you experience a break from the sickness/fatigue!

andi said...

Hey Lindsey! Hope you all are doing well!!!! Have you found a house? Would love to hear from you when you are able. I know how busy life is. Hope you are feeling well.