Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary

J and I got married 6 years ago on October 12th. I am very blessed to be married to my husband. To tell him I was pregnant with Av I gave him a little book I made with my "Top 100" best things about J-my #100 was that he would be a great dad. He loved it and I thought I would share some of his best traits. I don't know anyone that works harder than he does, in all areas of his life. He is very loyal, generous, fun, funny, passionate, intelligent, and wise. He makes me laugh {even at myself sometimes :)}. He is almost always the first one to apologize and ask for forgiveness. He is a great dad and Av adores him. J is a fantastic handyman, in fact, we have only paid to have something fixed on our house twice, J has done all the rest of it (which is a lot since our house is almost 60 years old). He is a man of integrity and loves God. He is more thoughtful than I am. He is very intuitive and picks up on the nuances of people and life in general that I don't even notice. He's a great husband and father, and I am a better person because of him.

We celebrated our anniversary this weekend by working ALL weekend on house projects!! We are both sore and exhausted (more on the project on another post). Thankfully my mom kept Av all weekend for us, so even though we worked the whole time, it was just the 2 of us. We headed to Mom's house 2 hours late today. We were supposed to eat dinner with my fam, but we missed out on that. Our anniversary dinner was 2 quarter pounder's from McDonald's on the way to Mom's.......and I have to say, it was great.

I would add a pic, but it's 1 am, and as mentioned earlier, I'm exhausted, so it will have to wait for another day. Sorry about the infrequent blogging, I'll give you the why soon.


Wanting What I Have said...

Happy Anniversary! I am so happy for you guys! And I LOVE the quarter pounder story...priceless! That's what little ones will do to you! :)

Darby said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Can't wait to see pics of all your hard work!!