Monday, September 7, 2009

Big Time

So I'm late in getting this up, but better late than never right? Right? If my only options in life were "on time" and "never," I'm afraid there would be a never. Are any of you like that as well? So what am I late in doing--posting G's 2 month appointment that was weeks ago, so here it is. I added in a few recent pics as well!

We're going on an outgoing? Yay!!
What do mean shots are involved?!?!
2 months. 13 lbs 4 oz. 24 inches Our pediatrician let me know that I've got a big guy on my hands. Nice to know the numbers, but I had already figured that one out on my own :)
He seriously did NOT like shots. I had heard his hungry and tired cry, but had never heard his pain cry before. It was completely pitiful and heartbreaking. He calmed down in the office a couple minutes after the shots, we went home, fed him, and put him down for a nap. 2 hours later he woke up SCREAMING in pain, so I fed him to calm him down. Normally he barely comes up for air when he's eating, but that day he stopped multiple times to start screaming again, especially if I happened to touch either of his sore legs. Pitiful! Thankfully, a warm bath after he ate was what he needed. Neither of us are looking forward to the 4 month check-up. He wasn't quite himself for a few days, but now we're back on track.
Finally got a shot of at least one of the dimples
And back to Mr. Serious
Seriously Mom, that's enough pictures

1 comment:

Wanting What I Have said...

1. you rock...I've never (that I remember) posted "monthly" updates on my kids.

2. I had to look back on the paper the nurse sent home with me to figure out MC's weight...


miss you!