We have had such a busy summer and I am sooo behind on catching up with our summer activities. We have been to Arizona, Atlanta, the beach, more doctor visits than I want to remember, and a few other places in between. With all that we have had going on this summer, we really were doubtful that we would even make it to the beach. Thankfully, we were able to go, have a wonderful trip, and didn't see a single tarball. I think we could move to beach. My kids, especially my oldest, could spend all day, everyday on the beach.
She immediately made friends with another 4 year old sitting next to us. Some days I wish we could all be more like young children. I think their conversation went like this;
4 year # 1 "I like your swimsuit"
4 year #2 "Thanks, I'm building sandcastles, want to build them with me?"
#1 "Yeah! Ok!"
Bam! Instant best friends.
They immediately started on their project, but it only involved prep-work. Somehow all they ended up doing was filling buckets with water and pouring it in the sand near our chairs. They never actually built a sandcastle, but they had plenty of wet sand. It ends up that her parents live about 10 minutes from us and her grandparents live 3 houses down the street from us.

After "sandcastle building," it was time for a raft ride. Sister asked to ride along, but we said that her friend should get to have the first ride alone with her dad......and this happened right as those words came out of our mouth. While swimming out, a wave hit them

Flipped the raft

And sent our new friend flying

Dad valiantly held on to the raft and pulled her out of the water. Everyone was fine, but the raft was retired for the day.

Next activity? Bury Papa in the sand! He was such a trooper for letting these kids bury him in the July heat in Florida.

See ya, be back after lunch. Just kidding, she just wanted to get more water to "set" the sand.

Thanks for being such a fun dad. He said it took days to be rid of all that sand.

One evening we went to
Baytowne Wharf. Our plan was just to eat dinner, but right as walked in sister spotted the bungee trampolines. It was great bribery during dinner though for us! We went straight to the trampolines after dinner. Sister was just barely big enough to do it. I was a little concerned that she would get frightened once she got up there, but I was completely wrong-she was in heaven!

I don't know what type of 4 year old cuteness she pulled on the girls working there, but she had 3 turns of jumping. She would have jumped for hours.

She kept yelling "watch me do gymnastics!!!! Coach Krista would say I'm doing a great job!"

We had to spend a few evenings out on the beach. I love going out later in the evenings. Any time I can spend on the beach with my kids that I don't have to slather them up in sunscreen sounds good to me.

Such a fun trip. I'm ready to go back!