Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Guess what little man? You're ONE!!!!
Seriously Mom?!?!
That went by pretty quick!
We had a very eventful weekend of celebrating our first year with this little guy and getting the all clear from the doctor. No surgery, no scarring, and no more dressing changes!! He's back to his normal very happy and content self, with one addition. Meet Bla Bla.
Anything else he gets in his hands is thrown, chunked, banged, clapped, hit, or any other activity that would be expected of a baby boy. But Bla Bla, is cuddled, carried, never let go of, and even stays in the crib with him.

Mom, can you stop taking pictures please? I dropped Bla Bla and need you to pick it up for me.
Little man, your personality is definitely shining now. You love to open and close doors, empty baskets, be thrown in the air, swim, play in the tub, flip pages of books, and look out the window to watch sister and Papa throw the ball with Lily.

You love your dad. In the last few weeks you have also started holding onto us when we hold you and I really love that. I especially love it when I'm putting you to bed and you snuggle your head into the left crook of my neck, grip my left shoulder with your right hand, and wrap your left arm around the right side of my neck.
You love your dog and she loves you. When I can't find Lily I always know to look for her under your crib or sleeping in front of the door to your room while you nap.
You love your sister and immediately start grinning and giggling when she walks in the room. The first you do in the morning is start calling for her if you don't see her "Sis, sis, sis!"
You love to sit with her while we ride in the car, holding hands, dancing, and jibber-jabbering with her.
And your favorite may be when she shares her ice cream cone with you.
You like to sleep with your pointer finger of one hand in your mouth, while the other hand grips the edge of your ultimate crib sheet.
You love the park and laugh uncontrollably on the swings. So much that the other moms within earshot say "Wow, he really likes the swings doesn't he!?"
My precious son, you are an absolute gift from God and a complete joy to us. We love you more than I could ever adequately put into words. We are so thankful for you and treasure every moment we have with you. We are excited to see the boy you are becoming and eventual man that you will become.


Beck said...

Precious! I love the finger-sucking one - caught him in total comfort zone. By the way, we have Bla Bla at our house too & she is also called Bla Bla :)

Hugs & kisses to little G!

Wanting What I Have said...

HAPPY first birthday!!! So glad to see your precious smile!

generico said...

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