Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mommy, is that you?

I woke this morning and for just a second it seemed like a "normal" day, and then yesterday's occurrences came rushing into my head. I am now unemployed and Brian is still gone. I wanted to stay in bed and eat bon-bons all day, however that's not feasible with a 2 year old :). I guess it's not very beneficial either. I suppose a good part of the day is that I got a lot of work done around the house b/c a.) I didn't have a job to go to and b.) it somehow felt better to at least be doing something. I know, in a sense I'm just distracting myself, but it was with something productive. I did choose against spending the day at Dairy Queen or Target-does that count for anything. I have too many thoughts swimming around in head to write anything cohesive at this point. Please continue to pray.

Av "helped" me around the house today. We, of course, played dress-up. We also had some sweet time together when she cuddled in my lap this afternoon after her nap and we watched some of The Sound of Music. It did make me think during the "Favorite Things" song when Julie Andrew sings "when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad." I know that thinking about raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens probably won't get me anywhere today, but I can choose to focus on God. His goodness, love, and grace. There are countless questions I don't have the answer for, but I know He does.

Here was the "highlight" of my day. While watching the movie my laptop was next to us with these on the screen. Av said, "Mommy, do you have a black dress on?"
Yes, I know it was from a 2 year old, but I'll take being confused with Gwyneth Paltrow today. Photo: splash news.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where to begin?

Today has been quite a rough day. This morning J's mom called to let us know that one his closest childhood friends, Brian, died yesterday. He was a civilian on his 3rd tour in Iraq and there was an explosion by the vehicle he was in at the time. He was supposed to come home next month. If you live in Bham you might have heard this mentioned on the news. Brian was married with 3 children-I believe they are 12, 9, and 5. I can't express how much my heart aches for this family. I can't begin to understand what his mom, siblings, wife, and children are experiencing. Please, please pray for them. I pray the children would continue to experience a father's love from God. I pray for Becky as she raises 3 children without Brian. There are so many questions of why and how that I know only God has the answer for now. It's hard to comprehend how much pain and suffering there is here on earth. How it makes me long for heaven. These words on suffering have been helpful.

A couple hours later I received a phone call that the company I work for is being dissolved tomorrow! I have only been with them a few months, and knew this was a risk since it's a start-up company, but it was still quite a shock today. I have spent much of the afternoon on the phone, looking into job possibilities. Which job? Where? Are we going to stay in Dothan? Do I look for jobs in Birmingham or elsewhere? I know there many jobs out there, this just isn't the way that I envisioned myself looking for my next job.

At first I thought "keep things in perspective." I could be dealing with far worse than a forced job change. That is true to an extent, but then I thought the answer isn't that the situations are different/easier. The answer is that my God is the same. In all of this God is good. He is always faithful and always sovereign. Only in Him will there be rest for your soul and peace that transcends understanding. He is our strength, stronghold, and a refuge in distress. He is our redeemer and sustainer. He gathers his flock in his arms and carries them close to his heart. This has certainly been a week of highs and lows, but I am thankful God is constant.

Psalm 62;5-8
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Grass is Greener....

When you actually have grass! Now that the fence is finished, we have to take care of the rest of the yard overhaul. We decided to start with the basics..and what could be more basic than grass? Up until this year it had been thick and full, like carpet! There were even times that I thought our grass, St. Augustine, was too thick and aggressive, but after the the drought last year we now have so many bald spots in the yard that we needed new sod. Thankfully, I have a very hardworking husband who handled all this in a matter of days. He took out the old grass, leveled and tilled soil, picked up the new sod, and laid the new sod! We only got one palette for the worst spots, but it looks so good it makes me want to resod the whole yard. My checkbook, however, is the prohibitive factor here. We'll just be doing frequent watering! Here's the before. You can see all the lovely bald spots and J's outline of where the sod goes.This is an in progress shot with part of the wonderful new sod in place. I just realized I don't have a final after shot-guess I'll have to take one tomorrow. Thanks for your hard work J!!!
Well, I had hoped that the kitchen was going to magically be clean by the time I finished posting this, but that hasn't happened, so I better head that way.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today I actually have the energy to get the camera and post pictures.

J informed me that I had a look of relief as a crossed the finish line!!!

Av waiting patiently for me to hit the finish line while wearing her super cute raincoat from Jana (Will's {my brother} fiance). J got Av to cheer "Go, Mommy, Go!" So cute My partner in crime-Meredith. I never would have made it to this point without her!! I'm so glad Mer got me to do this, kept me accountable to training, and was there with me. I loved it and hope to do it again someday.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

It is finished....

Ok, not that I can compare myself to Christ's crucifixion, but it's the best title I can come up with today-my brain is a little fuzzy at this point. I made it through the 1/2 marathon this morning. In a sense I can't believe that I made it to this point and completed it. I was able to run the whole way and I felt great. This is such an answer to prayer and I am so thankful for God's blessing that He gave me the strength today. He gave us great weather this morning-in the 60's and cloudy. It felt fantastic outside. That atmosphere was so inspiring as well. Music playing and people lining the streets the entire way cheering us on throughout the race. Great lesson learned today. This was something that I never thought I would/could do and I would have missed out on so much had I never tried and allowed my fear and doubts to hold me back. So, if you're out with something you've always wanted to do; GO AFTER IT!! I'll post pictures in the next few days. Thank you for encouraging words and prayers.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Don't Touch

Buddies. Av and Allie. Av is wearing the blue cinderella dress from MW. Obsessed with dressup!!!This afternoon Av had to go potty, so I took her into the bathroom. She now likes her privacy in the potty and says "Mommy, shut the door" when we go in the bathroom which means-leave me alone and shut the door behind you. I have to admit that this makes me nervous sometimes-especially when she's on the "big" potty instead of her "little" potty. What if she falls in or off the toilet? What if she gets down and turns the hot water on in the bath tub and scalds herself? I have more neurotic worries, but I'll stop here. Normally when she's finished I here "all done." Today I heard "It's stuck! It's stuck!" This is what I found when I walked into the bathroom.

Somehow Av and her toys were wet-yet there was no water running. The only accessible water was from the toilet! Av, the floor, and the toys-wet with toilet water.

The grossest part was that her white tea cup (another item she's obsessed with) was wet. I never got a straight answer from her as to if she drank any of the water or if she just used her cup to scoop the water.

Here's shy she was yelling "it's stuck." She had put her star wand into the toilet and couldn't get it out. I hope she isn't compelled to put any other objects there in the future.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back to Work

Today I was actually in the operating room. I started a new job in the beginning of Feb. and today was the first time I have been in the OR since my old job! Lots of state and hospital paperwork had to be completed, but now it's finally done! It has been a really nice couple of months though since life has been so calm. Well, that "calm" really only refers to the job. Life, in general, has been quite hectic and it looks like the craziness will continue for 2008 with trips, weddings, race this weekend, board reviews, taking boards, etc. Back to today :). It really was a good day. I was nervous since I have worked in orthopaedics for the last 4.5 years, and I was working in general surgery today. I enjoyed it and the day went well. It was an answer to prayer and it made me feel much better about the new job. Tomorrow I am working with an ortho guy, but he is a spine specialist, which is it's own little world-more like neurosurgery.

On the home front....after spending quite a bit of money on plants over the years (and still not having a yard I am proud of) we paid $75 to have someone from a landscaping company come look at the yard and give us ideas of what to do. So, does anyone have thousands of dollars you want to give us to complete the plan:)? Why is it so expensive? Maybe I'm too cheap to have gardening as a hobby. We did decide that we do need to put down new sod after the effects of the drought last year. Thankfully J is a much better gardener than I am and he's such a hard worker. He has already marked off the areas that will need new grass, tilled it, leveled it, picked up the sod, and placed about half of the sod. That man is serious about house projects! One thing this confirmed for me is that I get frozen by perfectionism/fear. I feel like I don't know enough to do a good job, so I'm not confident in my decisions, which means I end up not making the decisions, and stay in the status quo. Yuck-I keep myself in a position where I'm not satisfied. The good part, is that even with a little bit of knowledge, I can move forward-as we are doing with the yard. J also helps since he is good at prodding me along, although sometimes he may be more like a drill sergeant :).

We went over to Jenn's house yesterday for Av and MW to play together. MW has a power wheels purple jeep. When we got there the girls hopped in the jeep together with MW driving. Well, I think Av is used to being strapped in and not having to brace herself for stops/starts/turns. When MW first hit the "gas" Av had a whiplash movement and hit the back of her head. Then MW stopped and Av went forward and hit her forehead! Of course MW was being very sweet to share her jeep and let Av ride with her, but I don't think Av will get anywhere near that car anytime soon! Thankfully we still had a great time at Jenn's with MW-the girls played dress-up the rest of the time. Av immediately found a blue Cinderella dress. Jenn even let her wear it home. The only time Av took if off was to go to sleep yesterday. That night I heard her talking in her crib saying "don't like it" repeatedly in an upset tone. I went to see what was wrong and she said she didn't like the purple jeep. She hadn't said anything else about it until she got up from her nap today. When I went in to get her she said "I don't like MW's truck. I DON'T LIKE THAT TRUCK. Let MW drive the truck." I think she might have had a nightmare about it! Who would have ever thought a powerwheel would cause nightmares! I'm sure she'll be over it soon.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Is the weekend over already?

Here's Av and the dogs. This is the best shot I could get from an attempt to have them all looking at me for the pic and Av smiling. I'll take what I can get! Side note..the flowers are Knock-out Roses. As much as a I love (what I should really be saying is how much of our money goes there) the local home improvement mega-marts, they are not the place to get flowers-at least in my experience. We got these from a local nursery and have been very pleased.
We have an area of grass that isn't growing well, so J roped it off to keep the dogs off of it. Since this was an area off limits, Av was immediately drawn to play there. She climbed inside and then informed us she was "hiding." Note the mischievous grin. Where was that smile in the last pic? Does every 2 year old enjoy pushing the line this much?
Av and Lily playing together. Modern day killing 2 birds with one stone: let the kiddos and dogs play together. End result both had a great time, are tired at the end, and mom and dad sit on the patio together enjoying a beautiful afternoon.

Av had to put on J's work gloves to play in the sandbox. Don't worry, it's only sand in that Buffalo Connection cup!
I don't know how well you'll be able to see it, but Lily has been shaved. I can't believe that I have a "big dog" and had her shaved!! Lily is a mix. Lab +german shepherd=lots of shedding. Hair explodes off of her. I could sweep and vacuum 3 times a day and still have a house covered in dog hair. Last year my parents shaved their golden retriever and she seemed to enjoy the summer without such thick hair, and much less shedding for my parents to handle, so we thought we would give it a try.
Please continue to pray for Meredith and I since the 1/2 marathon is this upcoming weekend! I'm very nervous and very excited at the same time.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Read Me a Story...

Or have one read to you. I was walking into the entrance at Barnes & Noble today and noticed a sign for story times at 11 am on Weds. and Sat.! The website says it is having special story times since April is autism awareness month. They are partnering with Autism Speaks. I don't know if they will only be doing this in April, of course, most local libraries also have story time. Click here for info on story and craft time at the Dothan library (Tuesdays 10-10:45 am and Wednesdays 1:15-2 pm). For those of you not in Dothan, check out Barnes & Noble, or your local library for a great time with your kids-or just for the kid in you! Above is Av's favorite book. Couldn't talk about story time without giving a shout out to Grover!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Love Spring!!!!

I love, love, love spring. I wish it would last longer than it does-fall and winter are so hard to me when it gets dark so early. I love the cool, crispness in the morning, low humidity, and long sunny days. Today was perfect outside. I love the bright, blue skies with white, puffy clouds. I love hear birds chirping. I love seeing green grass, new growth on trees, and blooming flowers. I think my favorite part might be sunsets after 7 pm instead of 4 pm!!! It makes me want to be outside all day. We're really looking forward to this spring b/c of our finished fence! The majority of the time we are do-it-yourself people..actually I should say J and his family are DIY folks, and now that I'm part of the family I've turned into one (maybe it's more that I've been required to become one :)). We've lived in our house 4.5 years and I can only remember hiring someone to work on our house 2 times-to paint the exterior of the house and repair our air conditioner. This week we bit the bullet and had someone else complete the fence. We did the gate and one side of the fence and got as far as preparing the other sides. At that point J priced out what the rest of the fence would cost us to build and compared that to estimates. It ended up we would only save about $80-$100! The guys started yesterday and finished this afternoon. It was money well worth it. Who knows how long it would have taken us to finish it. Here are before and after pics. The first 2 photos are the closest I have to before. We didn't start taking pictures until we had already started the project. You can see all the overgrowth and one of the trees we took down (the tree behind our fence that the city said wasn't dead, even though it had no growth on it, and when it was down we realized it clearly had heart rot-glad we didn't listen to the city)
These pics are after we took down the tress/shrubs that lined the existing fence. The wood fence on the left side is what J and I (mostly J) did.
And, drum roll please, the finished fence today!!!!!!!!!!!

Next project?? Landscaping! Anyone want to help me since I'm not a very successful gardener? We have so much sunlight now after clearing it all out, I think plants might actually grow now. I can't wait to spend lots of time in the backyard. It feels like a completely different place now, come on over and enjoy it with us.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Run, Lindsey, Run

I walked into the den the other day to find Av standing in the bay window. I'm guessing she's wondering if she'll always be able to stare straight into our neighbor's house. Thankfully, the fence should be finished this week and the nobody is in the house now while it's being remodeled.
Av's favorite position on the new couch
So I'm learning a lot training for the 1/2 marathon. First, I have to tell you that I'm not a "natural" runner. I didn't even start running regularly until I was 23. Before then I enjoyed exercise, but never thought I could run to workout. I have many friends that on any given day can run 7-10 miles or more....I am not one of those people. My normal run is 3-4 miles. The thought of running a race/long distance was always in the back of my mind, but I really didn't think I could do it. During this process I have been praying that God would provide me the strength and ability to run the 1/2, I knew I would need it. I have been praying Isaiah 40 (those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will run and not grow weary) often while running. My desire is that this experience would glorify God and His provision, not my own abilities (there wouldn't be much to glorify about my own athletic abilities :)). All this to get here...if I have been able to run in a way I never thought possible, and have enjoyed doing it as a bonus, think of all the other areas this extends to in life..areas much more important, more eternal than running. Am I loving my husband and child with what God has provided or am I loving in my own strength (read flesh and sin here). How am I loving my neighbor? How am I spending my time? Are the words I'm speaking my own words, or words that God has given me to share? What other things do I think "I can't do that," that God actually has in store for me to do! The list goes on and on-from the mundane to the exciting moments am I functioning on my own or am I dependent on Him? This all has taken me back to Kanakuk in 2 ways. One-in finding the teachable moments in our daily life all around us and two-Lord help me begin the day by emptying me of myself, submitting to you, and you using me for Your purpose. I love that God has revealed Himself to us in all that is around us in daily life in order to draw us closer to Him. Thanks also to Ashley, Meredith, and J for inspiring and encouraging me to run!! John 3:30 "He must become greater, I must become less."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recipe Box

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a few day, too many other things going on-and not having my charger cord-has kept us away. I am still so excited about Will and Jana's engagement. I love both of them so much and I'm so grateful for them. I love my brother more than I can say and I'm so proud of him. My friend Melissa also got engaged this past weekend, so we will be having a fun and busy summer/fall!
Earlier today J and I were working in the yard and Av was so cute. She loves being a helper. She would pick up sticks and take them to the wheelbarrow to clean up the yard. J and I were also drilling our remaining stumps and filling with stump grinder when Av brought our glasses of water to us (without being asked to do so), we drank some water, and then she carried the cups back to the patio for cute. She really is at such a fun age. On the other hand, she is incredibly independent and is still talking to herself in crib 1.5 hours after we put her to bed!

I have been inspired by Darby's crafty posts, so I thought I might add some craftiness to ours. This is for those of you, who like me, love your magazines and the recipes/ideas in them...but what do with them is the problem. Copying all the recipes by hand takes too long, and I end up having magazines or pages I've torn out piled around my desk.I must admit, I'm not a crafty person, so you won't be seeing many ideas on here often :)...but here's what I've been doing tonight.

1.Tear page with recipe out of magazine

2. Cut out section with recipe/picture and tape to a notecard. I like to place the name of the recipe and a picture on the front side. I think this helps with presentation when serving and also gives me a better idea of the dish instead of just the name.

3. Tape ingredient list and instructions on back of notecard. Of course sometimes I don't have room for pic and recipe, and have to use front and back of card with just the recipe.

4. File in recipe box with alphabetized tabs! I know many of you probably already do this (or have better systems than this one:)), but this is a great time saver for me that clears out the magazines! Another way to do it is keep the whole page, insert in clear, plastic cover, and file in 3-ring binder.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Short and Sweet

Can't find my computer plug, battery is about to here's the bare bones news
1. Will and Jana are engaged!!!! Yeah!!!!!! I can't even put into words what a wonderful brother I have and how much I love him. I'm so excited.
2. Ran 8 miles today for 1/2 marathon training and it was a great run. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. I tried to pray Isaiah 40 throughout the run and I know that God provided me the strength to run that distance. Will elaborate more on this when my computer will stay on long enough for me to do so.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The End of Camp Maggie

It's our last night without the kiddo and I sure do miss that little girl! We have gotten a lot of work done at our own schedule and been able to play music loud while doing it, but I know the week has not been as entertaining as it is when Av is here, and I know I haven't laughed as much as I do when she's here. I miss having a fun Av story to think about at the end of every day. The ironic part of this week is that we're actually more tired now than we are after a normal week. I think we've tried to get so much accomplished around the house that we've worn ourselves out instead of enjoying a nice relaxing week. The good part of this is that we finally cleaned out all the closets, including repainting and building new shelves for some of the closets, and we threw in some yard work.

This afternoon I did get to have a little "me" time. Since my NCAA bracket beat J's I got a facial today and tried out a new place a friend recommended. The part of this facial that I haven't experienced before...was that it was at the lady's home..actually trailer. My first facial in a trailer park-only in Dothan folks! It was a great facial, and I must say for a good price. Don't worry, very professional, a whole room is devoted to facials and once I was on the massage table, listening to peaceful music it was just like being at Serenity (beach spa)! I highly recommend it to any Dothanites and those of you visiting/driving through Dothan. It is called Bello Giorno Spa # 334.596.8946. If you go, please say I sent you-referrals get a discount!

I was also able to go for a run today. This Saturday will mark the 2 week countdown to the 1/2 marathon-yikes! Please pray for me as I finish training and the race. I'm really excited, but want to complete this with strength that I know is provided by God and bring Him glory with this experience. I'm so thankful to Ashley and my other friends/family that have gotten me interested running and encouraged me along the way.
Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff

I wanted to give Allie and Lily some credit-so here's pics from the park last week!

Here is the news from "Camp Maggie." Av loves unbrellas and Maggie has given Av a new umbrella. Now Av takes the umbrella with her, opens it up, and sits under the umbrella every time she goes to the potty. She says she's "hiding" under it even though it's clear! So funny.

Well, we have been able to get quite a bit done around the house this week since Av isn't here, however, I'm assuming that my MIL isn't getting much done around her house! We actually did get our closets cleaned out in one day. I had a flashback to prechildren life! You can accomplish so much without a 2 year old interrupting every 15 minutes. We were also able to play music while working since we weren't worried about waking her up from nap time. I think we took out 6 trash bags full of stuff. It really make me feel somewhat gross. Clothes that at one time I was so excited about getting, were new, "in-style" clothes that I "needed" are now going out in trash bags and gladly given away to someone else. I know that I, and often our culture, confuse what I need and what I want. I don't really need new clothes, furniture, a bigger house, a vacation, etc. God has given me abundantly more than what I need.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Home again after a great weekend with the family...and looking forward to a great childless week! Av is staying with J's mom this week. I love my child more than I can say, but I also love a break from motherhood every once in a while:). The drive home was so nice..listened to sermons by Tim Keller without having to tend to a 2 year old and hear "The Jungle Book" in the background. When we got home I went for a run and not pushing a 30lb. toddler in a jog stroller makes the run so much easier-apparently running with Av is great training. I ran faster and for a mile more than usual! We're hoping we can get to some of those around the house projects that we always mean to get done, but they never quite make it to the top of the priority list-like cleaning out closets. Then again, maybe we'll just spend the week sleeping in, lounging around the house, and having date nights every night. It will probably end up a little of both. Here are some pics from the weekend.

Avery thoroughly enjoyed the cake. In fact, she enjoyed it so much that she decided to forgo telling me she needed to go potty so that she could finish her cake. Shortly after this photo was taken I felt a warm, wet sensation on my lap! That's right she peed on a wedding!!! Did I mention that it's nice to have a break from motherhood this week?

I know what you're thinking...shouldn't this photo go the trash bin and instead put one of all the kids smiling here? I would do that...if that photo existed. This is as good as it gets with 5 cousins age 10 and under.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


1. I can't believe that UNC and UCLA both got whipped in the Final 4 games! I had all #1's in the final 4, but had both my final teams wrong! The good news of this is that I think my bracket still beat Jonathan's...which means I will be going to the spa instead of J going to the golf course!! I know my Memphis friends, like Chris and Meredith, will be excited. I'll definitely be pulling for the Tigers over the Jayhawks in the finals.

2. Avery attended her 2nd wedding today and between the 2 of them has made it through a total of 6 minutes before being taken outside. She isn't bad, but that child does not know how to be quiet! She wants to go see everyone, say hi, point out everything she sees, etc.... We did have a great day with Jonathan's family-it was his cousin's wedding. I love J's family and it is such a blessing to have such great in-laws.

3. For a fun way to test your geography skills go here. Great time waster, but a good brain stimulator! I found out I don't as much as I thought I did-especially about West Africa! My brother-in-law, John, introduced my to it and my high school and college friend, Will, reminded my of it today.

4. My Mom is hilarious. She hates the "happy cows come from California adds." Of course, this is b/c she's from Wisconsin and takes the adds as a personal attack. Every time they come on she defends Wisc. and says "if you asked anyone what they picture when asked to think of idyllic farm lands, obviously they would think of Wisc!" Classic.

5. Jonathan turned on Waiting For Guffman after the games tonight and.....I just do not enjoy these movies! Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind....all in the same category as The Office...not funny to me. I feel like a huge dork admitting this. I am just not funny/smart enough to get this humor? I have tried to watch and wanted to like them but I have to confess to all of you that love them, not funny to me.

6. Last point tonight..Christopher Walken is on SNL tonight, hope we're not disappointed.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Howdy Neighbor

Here are the after photos of the yard. You can see why we're trying to get the fence put up quickly. Thankfully the house behind us is being remodeled and nobody is living in it right now.You can compare these to the pics posted a few days ago to see the difference.

Av helped by carrying sticks to the street

Life with a toddler is so fun. I feel like I learn new things to appreciate daily. Av loves music, loves to sing, and loves to dance. When we're in the car and the radio is on she sings along with the music. Does she know the words? Nope, she justs makes up her own. She's not feeling well today and I put The Wiggles on for her this evening, but had the sound turned down. So since the sound wasn't on, she sang while she danced. What did she sing you're thinking? Maybe ABC's, Row Your Boat, Jesus Loves she belted out Shake, shake, shake...shake, shake, shake...shake your booty-with her hands on her hips and, of course, shaking her booty. I wonder if she could give me lessons.

She is so girly, which to me is funny that J and I have a girly girl. She LOVES to play dress-up, pick out her own clothes, and she hates bugs (yesterday there was carpet fuzz she thought was a bug-it was 20 ft. away from her and she wanted me to throw it outside before she would eat lunch). Tonight topped it all. After her bath in her bathroom we went into my bathroom to brush teeth, but instead she told me that she wanted me brush and dry her hair and put makeup on her!!!!!! She even picked up my eyelash curler and tried to curl her lashes. What?!?! Just so you know, the only "makeup" I've ever put on her is chapstick. Now that I think about it, she did do a little of her own makeup the other day when she got into a drawer I thought had nothing more than chapstick. Turns out there was one tube I thought was gloss when she picked it up...ended up it was lipstick..Avery's self application.

"Man, I look good! I bet I could get a job at Lancome"